Why Are Pee Pads Good for Dogs and How They Work?

are pee pads good for dogs

As a pet parent harboring furry little ones who require potty training, you may have caught yourself pondering, “Do pee pads serve a good purpose for dogs?”

The good news is they are! Therefore, you should know how to use it properly.

Stay tuned as this article will discuss the significance of dog pee pads and how they work.

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What are Pee Pads or Puppy Pads?

Pee pads, also known as puppy pads or pee pads, are a type of absorbent mat that is used to keep your puppy’s urine and feces off the floor.

A pee pad is made up of two key components: a non-woven fabric strip and a sponge.

Pee pads are typically rectangular and come in two sizes: small (about 8 inches long by 4 inches wide) and large (12 inches long by 5 inches wide).

The small size is best for dogs who urinate often, while the larger size is best for dogs who have more frequent accidents.

Puppies often need to go potty while they are sleeping or when they are in their crate, so it’s important to provide them with an area where they can do their business without tracking it around the house.

Pee pads allow puppies to go potty without getting into trouble!

This type of litter works well for dogs who spend most of their time indoors, but also works well if you have a dog who is prone to accidents when they go outside.

Types of Potty Pads

There are many different types of potty pads available, and it can be hard to know which type to buy.

Here are some facts about the many different types of potty pads:

Cost: Some are more expensive than others.

Size: Some are thinner and smaller than others.

Material: Some are made with plastic or paper, while others use special absorbent material.

Some people think that they should only buy a disposable puppy pad, but this is not true.

Disposable pads can cause more problems than they solve because they will not last if reusable dog pee pads do.

You will need to replace them more often if you use disposable pads instead of reusable ones.

You can easily find these products at pet stores and online retailers.

Your next question is about the proper use of pee pads.

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Proper Use of Potty Pads for Potty Training

There are a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to potty pads and potty training your dog.

  • Potty pads should be placed where your dog has access to them, but they should not be used as a toy or as a chew toy.
  • Your dog’s pad should be replaced every day or two, depending on how often you change your dog’s diapers. If you change his diapers more frequently (like every time he goes), then you may not need to replace the pad as often.
  • The best way to clean a potty pad is with warm water and soap if it is made of plastic or nylon, or with vinegar and warm water if it’s made of cloth. However, never use anything abrasive on any part of the pad!

Potty Training

Potty training your dog can be a long, tedious process. But it does not have to be! Here are some tips for the perfect potty-training experience:

Get a crate

If you are using a crate for potty training, make sure you get one that’s big enough for your dog to comfortably stand up in.

You want him to feel comfortable and safe in the crate so he will go when told. This crate training will be a lot easier for him to adjust to.

Don’t use treats

If you use treats on your dog when he goes to the bathroom outside of his litter box, he will not associate going to the bathroom outside of his litter box with something positive such as getting treats!

Instead, try giving him “good job” praise after he goes outside of his litter box instead of food rewards right away.

This will help with potty training in the long term because it will help your dog associate going outside of his litter box with things like praise and love instead of food rewards right away.

Pros and Cons of Pee Pads

are pee pads good for dogs

Pee pads can be used in many ways, from simply adding them to your dog’s routine to his other activities.

Pee pads are a great way to keep your dog’s paws clean, but they can also be a major source of stress for your dog. There are good and downsides of pee pad usage in your dog as follows:


  • Dog pee pads help keep your dog’s legs clean and dry while he is waiting to use the bathroom or just lounging around the house. You will want to make sure you have enough pads so that he doesn’t have to go out more than once every couple of hours.
  • Pee pads are disposable, so you do not have to worry about cleaning or disposing of them.
  • These dog pee pads are made from an absorbent material, and they are designed to hold moisture. This helps keep the area dry and odor free.
  • They are useful as a doormat or mat in the house. These pads come in different sizes so you can pick one that will be right for your pet.
  • The dog pee pads are easy to use and have instructions.
  • They are inexpensive, and you may be able to purchase more at a time and start right away.
  • These pads are odorless, so you can use them in any room of your house (or even outside if you are ambitious).
  • They are convenient and comfortable to use by dogs.
  • When used correctly, pee pads can help potty train your dog how to use the restroom outside the litter box (and eliminate some mess).
  • They can help prevent soiling in the house or yard.
  • These are a good choice for senior dogs or those with health issues.
  • Pee pads are also good for helping your dog deal with separation anxiety. If you’re gone for long periods, it’ll help reduce how much time your pet spends looking for you when you’re home.


  • Some people think that pee pads are too absorbent and do not last as long as they should. These people usually prefer newspaper or a rag instead of pee pads because they are cheaper and easier to replace every month or so (though they still work well).
  • You need to replace dog pee pads regularly, and it is not always clear when that should happen.
  • The pads require a lot of attention from you, which may lead to a loss of focus on potty pad training or other tasks that require your attention.
  • They can cause skin irritation or allergies, depending on how often they are used.

Steps on How to Train a Puppy to Use Pee Pads

Should you consider using a pee pad to potty train your puppy, here are some steps we recommend:

Step 1:

Start potty training by putting your pup in place with a harness, leash, or collar. Try moving him towards the pad or placing him on its top.

Observe how he responds to this method. Do this every time he a potty break.

Do this in a spot that is his. You can start in his bed, pen, kennel, or anywhere he is comfortable or familiar with.

Step 2:

Successful? Pet him with positive reinforcements for a good job whenever he pees on the pad. Using key phrases like potty, bathroom, or pee during the training would be effective.

Step 3:

Reward him with something like a toy, hug, or treat when he keeps on doing it in the same area. Won’t things go your way or as expected, you can take him straight to the pad without yelling so as not to scare him.

Step 4:

Create a schedule for his pee time. Take him to his pee pad every hour and lessen the times eventually. This will remind him to regularly use his pee pad.

The idea here is to stick to the schedule to avoid accidents.

Step 5:

Teach him the difference between the potty pad and the floor. Execute this in a closed-off room if you are not around to watch his movements. Put the pads across the floor.

Train him for a few days before taking away a single pad each time. Take another pad until he prefers to use the pad rather than peeing on the floor.

Step 6:

Make him have a trip to his potty pad every few hours and make this regularly. Give him privacy to do his business, and recognize his victory.

Step 7:

Acknowledge him whenever he uses his dog pee pad on his own. Give him an immediate reward each time he does this.

Step 8:

Change his pads in times when they are moist. Do this to get rid of bad smells. Also, this will encourage him to use his potty pad more often.

Step 9:

Practice him more often so he will get the puppy potty training. You will have a potty-trained dog with more practice and more rewards.

This puppy pee pad training will be very helpful for you and your pet.

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Potty or Pee Pads are Appropriate For?

There are many different types of dogs that need a pee pad, but the most common ones are:

  • Potty pads are a lifesaver for the indoor potty training of small breeds. This is especially beneficial for those in areas with freezing weather and in high-rise apartments.
  • The dog pee pads are suitable for dogs with joint problems.
  • They are for dogs with skin issues or problems.
  • These dog pee pads are for dogs with allergies/sensitivities to smells or chemicals.
  • Also, they are for dogs with arthritis or other joint problems that make it hard for them to get up and down without hurting themselves.

Pee Pads and Outdoor Potty for Pee Time

If you are looking for a way to help your dog pee outside, we have some good news: It’s possible.

There are a few different approaches that can work well for dogs with accidents indoors. However, trade-offs are depending on what kind of environment you are trying to create.

The most common approach is to use a potty pad. You will put the pad under your dog’s favorite spot, and then cover it with a thick layer of newspaper.

This is great because it allows you to reduce the mess from clean-up and helps keep any smells from lingering around the area.

This means that if you want to get rid of the pad, it is easier than working with urine itself. Just throw away the potty pad and wash off any remaining mess with soap and water.

But there are downsides: Pee pads are often expensive, so they may not be practical if you have more than one dog in your home (or just want to save money).

And since they are not 100% effective at keeping odors away, sometimes people don’t like them because they smell funny when they get wet.

There are ways around this problem as per our discussion above.

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Are Pee Pads Good for Dogs FAQs

If you have any other questions about pee pads, the following topics may give you answers.

Should I let my dog use pee pads?

This is a question that has been asked by many dog owners, and there are several reasons why it is worth exploring.

First, many dogs are instinctively clean, so they do not necessarily need potty training. Some dogs will simply prefer not to soil their beds, which can be problematic for pet parents who want the best for their dogs.

Second, some dogs may have trouble learning how to use pee pads, and this could lead them to try and go on their beds instead of using the pads. This could lead to accidents in your home and make it more difficult for you to train your dog when she does eventually learn how to use the pads properly.

Third, some dogs find pee pads uncomfortable or irritating. This could also lead them to try and go on their beds instead of using the pads.

Fourth, if your dog does not like pee pads because they’re too cold or too hot (or if they’re just wrong for your dog), then you’ll need to use another kind of training method and change your dog’s behavior around them before he will ever want them again (and then he’ll be happy with them).

Can you train a dog to use pee pads and go outside?


It’s pretty easy to train a dog to use pee pads and go outside. Get your dog used to using the pee pads, so you can take that puppy training one step further and get him used to going outside.

You can start by putting some pee pads in your yard and telling your dog to use them. He may not completely understand what you want him to do right away, but he will learn quickly if you keep using the pads.

This is to make sure your dog knows how to use the pee pads. You can do this by using some treats or food rewards when he is done using them.

Once he knows about the puppy pads, you can start taking him outside with you so that he knows what he wants to use.

A crate is another option that is good because it helps keep your dog contained while they are being trained. Also, it gives you more space to work with him.

You can try walking around with him in the house first. Just see to it that he is a leash on so that if he makes a mistake, he does not wander off too far!

How many times should your pet use his pee pad?

Depending on the size of your dog, you may want to consider how many times a day your pup must go outside.

If your dog is small and only must go every few hours, it might be okay for him to go a little bit more frequently than that. If he is bigger, you’ll want to make sure he’s going at least once per day.

If your dog is just starting and does not have much experience with going outside, you can help train him by letting him sniff around the yard before letting him pee on the pad. You can also try putting treats on the pad before letting your dog go near it. This will help train him that going near the pee pad means something good is coming!

How long do dogs use pee pads?

Dogs can use pee pads for a few months, depending on how often they go outside. If your dog is an indoor dog, he should always have access to a pee pad, even if he is not going outside.

If your dog is an outdoor dog and goes outside frequently, then he should change his pee pad every two weeks.

If your dog is an indoor dog who lives in the yard and does not go on walks or runs with you, then he will only need to change his pee pad once every three months.

Can you use both puppy pee pads and outdoor potty training?

Puppy pads and outdoor potty training are a great way to get your puppy used to the idea of going outside regularly. The best part is that you can use both methods at the same time!

Puppies are notoriously bad at holding it, so if you want them to have a habit of going outside every time they need to go, you will want to start with indoor potty training first.

Once your puppy has learned how to hold it in your house for long periods, it’s time to move them outside.


With the discussions above on the use and benefits of pee pads, you now have an idea why pet parents use them in their pups.

Proper training of your pet on how to use them is the key. Add with puppy pads, and things will be easy and a breeze.

Should you have tried or will start training him to use the pad, we will be happy to know your pet’s potty training journey.

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